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Top 10 Anime To Watch For Beginners 

25 sep, 2020

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Top 10 anime for beginners 


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1. Demon Slayer 

1. Demon Slayer 

25 sep, 2020

Demon Slayer is an action-packed anime set in a world where demons roam the earth, hunting and killing humans.

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2. Dr Stone 

25 sep, 2020

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Dr. Stone is a sci-fi anime set in a post-apocalyptic world where humanity has been turned to stone. 

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3. Parasyte 

25 sep, 2020

Parasyte: The Maxim is a horror anime about a teenager named Shinichi Izumi, whose right hand is taken over by a parasite. 

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4. Cowboy bebop 

25 sep, 2020

Cowboy Bebop is a classic anime about a group of bounty hunters who travel through space. 

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5. Steins Gate 

25 sep, 2020

Steins;Gate is a sci-fi anime about a group of friends who accidentally create a time machine.

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6. One Punch Man 

25 sep, 2020

One Punch Man is a superhero anime about Saitama, a hero who can defeat any enemy with just one punch.

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7. Attack on Titan 

25 sep, 2020

Attack on Titan is a dark and intense anime set in a world where humans live in fear of giant humanoid creatures called Titans.

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8. ???
9. ???
10. ???

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25 sep, 2020

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