Do you know what are the benefits of deep breathing?

It is very valuable, completely free

 controls all the functions of the body.

It can keep us away from all kinds of diseases.

Deep breathing help oxygenate your muscles and increasing Lungs Capacity
  5 to 15 % more.

Breathing exercises can improve circulation of lower your BP,

it alsoenhance  mental outlook, 

Deep Breathing Strengthens the Brain,it improve and Boosts Attention Span, 

 which help to focus better.

As per neurophysiological there is a direct link between the breath and the brain.

we can increase the Oxizen level of our body by Breathing in fresh air,

opening premises windows or going outside for walk can increase the oxyzen level of our body.

By taking breathe deeply, reduces stress hormones in the body,

Then body relaxes and you feel more comfortable. 

It boosts energy and increases vitality.