5 Reasons 
Why Camping 

Is Good For 
You ?

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According to research by The Psychological and 
Social Benefits of the Camping Experience 
something transformational happens when you 
spend your holiday outdoors.

Mental benefits

Improves The 

Camping has proved to reduce stress, with the bustling city life all it takes is a day in nature to reset our minds of any stress and worry that we carry. The peace and serenity of nature help us calm our minds.

Camping Helps 

Bring People Together

According to research, families who go camping
have stronger bonds and are able to communicate better. Spending time with friends and family is
what makes people happy in their lifes. 

Camping Leaves You With Lifelong,

Happy Memories

The feeling of being calm, appreciating the simple things in life and knowing that things do not have to be complex all the time allows one to have a more positive and clearer outlook or perspective in life. Camping also gives one an emotional rest from all the emotional expense from the usual day to day life.

Campers Have Better

At All Ages

83% of +75 year-olds who like to camp reckon they
feel especially active for their age. That's compared
to only 66% of non campers of the
same age.