An easy-to-follow guide to drawing cartoons and illustrations 

Even if you’ve never picked up a pen or pencil to draw before, you can still create your cartoon or illustration.

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What is a Cartoon?

A cartoon is a visual representation that uses drawings, illustrations, and animation to portray visual humor, either for educational or entertainment purposes.

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An illustration is an artwork that is used to visually represent something that is usually not visible..

What is an Illustration?

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Tips for Drawing Cartoons and Illustrations

Start with a sketch. When you’re first beginning to draw a cartoon or illustration, it can be a good idea to start with a sketch.

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How to Draw Faces for Cartoons and Illustrations

First, start by sketching out a grid that has nine rows and six columns. This grid will help you create proportionate measurements for the facial

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How to Draw Cartoon Bodies

When you’re first starting, it’s a good idea to start with basic cartoons, such as stick figures

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How to Draw Backgrounds for Cartoons and Illustrations

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The first step to drawing backgrounds for cartoons and illustrations is to come up with a concept and idea

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