The Wackiest Superstitions Around the Globe

If you receive a knife set or a pair of scissors as a gift, return the gift with a rupee  because it is said that giving anything with a blade might break up a relationship.

Working while whistling may be problematic in Lithuania, where it is illegal to do so since it is said to call forth devils.

Although infinite reflections appear to be cool, in Mexico and elsewhere, facing mirrors belives to open the door to the devil

In Turkey, an itchy right hand means you'll make money, while an itchy left hand means you'll lose money.

A superstition holds that bird poop that lands on you or something you own will bring you wealth — keep in mind the next time you're sitting or standing under a tree.

Your #Transformation on Tuesday plans should be reevaluated. It is believed in India that getting a haircut on a Tuesday will bring bad luck to the recipient.

Dripping water behind a person is thought to bring good luck in Serbia. Dumping it on them is always impolite, no matter where you are.

Walking under the ladder: some people may be unaware that the superstition originated in the Middle Ages. The ladder represented the gallows, where prisoners were hanged at the time.

Placing a pillow on the table is considered unlucky in Bulgaria. The same holds true for indoor umbrella opening!

Because the number 4 sounds too much like the Chinese word for death, it is thought to bring bad luck and is actively avoided by the Chinese. It's even got a name: tetraphobia!

Some superstitions believe that spilling salt invites the devil to enter your life and cause misfortune. This is why spilling salt is considered unlucky.

The world is a strange place. Do your people have any strange superstitions or rituals? We'd love to hear about them, so please leave a comment!

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