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1993.05.23 - To be continued...

Yeah; It's My Birthday, Again!

.:!   Sabir Malikzada   !:.

My Website

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If you are watching this it means you mean so much for me!

It means we had common memories and we had good times that will never be forgotten.

So let's continue this story...

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I born at Tabriz hospital in Tabriz city on Sunday, 23.05.1993. I was the first survived child of my parents, so they named me Sabir to have more patience against problems. I was an incomplete baby so it took almost 2 years of hard tries for my family to make sure that I'll be survived. When I was 1, I had a sister and after years I was gifted a brother.

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Here is the picture of poem that my father's fiend wrote about my birth, some days after it. It is still on the wall of my room in Tabriz 

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I Finished Master degree in
Computer Science- AI

Here are some pics of my seminars

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I had some years of work experiences until I left home (first image) and migrated Baku on 2019 to be a full-time board member of Computer science department of Khazar University and then data science instructor at extension data school of it (second image)

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And finally Since April 2021 I am working as a data analyst at Kontakt which always makes happy, with my beloved colleagues. 

Thank you!

Here goes life with highs and lows. I am so thankful to have friends like you that care about my happiness and try to be clear and honest to me as always.

Wherever you are or I am, we will never forget the good times we had and this means life! :)