Queen Elizabeth death

Queen Elizabeth II

Four years beforeshe took the throne as Queen Elizabeth II, she made a pledge 

The decades -long reign of service ended Thursday , when Queen Elizabeth II dieda at her Balmoral estate in scotland , at age 96. for 70 years , she served as the constitutional--

monarch of the United Kingdom  , the longest rule in British History .--

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Her reign spanned a remarkable are in British History and was defined by duty to country and considerable family pain .

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Her death is a major milestone  for the country , triggering an outpouring of national affection and grief.

" Michael Ensor told media". 

After giving a tour in the morning. player returned to Buckingham Palace to await an update on the Queen's health with premonition that it was " important " to present at her main residency , he said.

As the crowds swelled throughout the day , so did the uncertainty. -----

That impulse was shared by many as the aftemoon progressed, more and more people gathered outside the gates of the famous palace , undemeath the balcony from which the Queen greeted the public on--

so many occasions over the course of her life . Sue and Michael Ensor, were visiting London from England's South Coast on Thursday.

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 when we heard that the Queen was not very well we thought we'd come straight down.--

At around 6:30 pm local time , a hush fell over the crowd , as news broke of the Queen's broke of the Queen's death at Balmoral Castle in Scotland.

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