Someone is watching you without your consent. Using all your personal data without your consent

Tech giant Google collects more data than all the big tech companies -- Twitter, Apple, Amazon and Facebook. This information has been given in a report published recently.

As per report Major social media apps like TikTok, Facebook and Instagram stealing people's information

According to an analysis by, Google, one of the five leading digital firms, collects 39 types of personal data for every user.

These social media apps (including Facebook Messenger) can track your keystrokes if you use the in-app keyboard. 

Each of these data firms collects a particular range of data and not the amount of data. Google collects more different types of information for different users

Most people don't have the time to read the privacy policies, which can be several pages long," said in a statement.

social media apps like TikTok, Facebook and Instagram have the ability to use JavaScript to grab your credit card data, address, passwords and more without your permission on iOS, the report said.

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Imrudra The Life Coach